
DELTAFi on Hyperliquid

Hyperliquid is a performant L1 with a vision to build a fully onchain open financial system. Hyperliquid L1 is performant enough to operate an entire ecosystem of permissionless financial applications. The chain currently supports 100k orders / second.

Hyperliquid L1 has a flagship native application, fully onchain order book exchange with perpetuals and spot market with sizable volume from organic traders. Hyperliquid also plans to launch EVM in near future to onboard developer ecosystem.

DELTAFi is onchain protocol dedicated to building financial products. Our first product dETP was released on WEMIX3.0 to enhance yield for WEMIX stakers by leveraging DeFi protocols. After deep research, we've come to conclude that Hyperliquid is the ecosystem for us to build more interesting products given its L1 performance, highly liquid DEX, and strong community.

DELTAFi Vaults

Our first iterations of products are indicies using Hyperliquid's Vault feature. Vault is basically a managed account where users can deposit money to be managed by the Vault owner. Vault owner receives 10% of the profits. This feature provides safe environment for users to invest in any strategies they prefer.

DELTAFi launched 4 equal weighted index vaults: Layer1, DeFi, AI, Meme

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